Aids / books / etc.
You can do a lot with the range of aids:
- The belt really helps to stretch the knees when sitting or lying down.
- The different benches allow a well-dosed opening of the chest and stretching of the abdomen, shoulders and pelvis.
- Cushions, plates, ropes etc. help you to stay in certain postures for a long time and with good alignment without effort.
- Our collection of reference books on Iyengar Yoga, supplemented by CDs and self-published products, make learning easier.

Course and seminar bookings
In addition to the range of aids, we have now also integrated the courses and seminars offered by the studio into our store. Those who have already found their way to the studio will probably register live at the counter and do not necessarily need the store. However, new interested parties and those who visit us less frequently or live further away will find all the options of a modern, secure, well-maintained web store.
If you need advice, you can always reach us live in the studio, by phone or by e-mail.