Seminars coming soon
Day, weekend and weekllong workshops
Workshops usually take place hybrid (= in presence and online at the same time),
Exceptions are noted.
Interactive calendar with links to the shop
Overview of dates until August 2025
with links to the tenders below
- January 18 - One-day seminar with Claudia Lamas: Strengthen your immune system! Details >>
- January 31-February 2 - Level-2 Practice and teaching part-1 - Training series with Michael and Margarete - Details >>
- February 8 - One-day seminar in 74564 CRAILSHEIM with Michael - Details >> OUTWARD
- February 22 - One-day seminar with Claudia Lamas: Emotional stability – Details >>
- March 3-7 - WinterWeekly seminar with Margarete in presence - Details >>
- March 3-6 - Workshop: Practice and teaching - Training and Further training with Michael and Margarete - Details >>
- March 7-9 - Level-2 Practice and Teaching Series Part 2 with Michael in PRAGUE – Details >> OUTWARD
- March 15 - One-day seminar "Reverse postures" with Margarete - Details >>
- March 28-30 - Level-2 Teaching techniques (special seminar) Training series with Margarete and Michael - Details >>
- April 4-6 - Guest teacher seminar with Uday Bhosale (London/Pune) Details >>
- April 6-11 - Retreat at Schloss-Elmau (near Garmisch) with Michael Details >> OUTWARD
- April 21-25 - Weekly seminar "Exam preparation Level-1 with Michael and Margarete - Details >>
- May 9-11 - Level-2 Practice and teaching part-2 - Training series with Michael and Margarete - Details >>
- June 7-9 - IYD Convention in Hamburg with guest teacher Rajvi Mehta (Mumbai) – Details >> OUTWARD
- June 27-29 - Level-2 Practice and Teaching Series Part 3 with Michael in PRAGUE – Details >> OUTWARD
- July 18-20 - Level-2 Practice and teaching part-3 - Training series with Michael and Margarete - Details >>
- August 10-15 - SummerWeekly seminar 1 in Bad Kohlgrub near Munich with Michael - Details >> OUTWARD
- August 18-22 - SummerWeekly seminar 2 in the studio with Michael - Details >>
- August 18-21 - Workshop: Practice and teaching - Training and further education with Michael and Margarete - Details >>
18 Jan 2025
One-day seminar Yoga
to strengthen the immune system
with Claudia Lamas in presence and online
In this special workshop we will look at postures and asanas that have a very special beneficial effect and positively influence the immune system.
Further information:
Stress is one of the biggest factors that weaken the immune system. Iyengar yoga generally combines physical movement and conscious breathing to bring the body into a state of balance. This reduces the production of stress hormones such as cortisol, which can promote inflammation and impair the immune system. Back in 2009, BKS Iyengar developed a special sequence of yoga exercises which, when combined as a group, stimulate blood circulation and support lymphatic flow. The lymphatic system plays a central role in the immune system as it removes waste products and fights pathogens. The asanas that have been put together for the sequence to strengthen the immune system also activate the parasympathetic nervous system ("rest-and-digest mode"), which helps the body to regenerate. A well-functioning nervous system is essential for effective immune defense.
Learn special asanas that can strengthen your immune system and make you more resistant to stress and illness.
The workshop will be held in German.
Welcome to the studio and live online via Zoom from home.
From 1 year of Iyengar Yoga practice.
Sem-No. LCC 241881
Schedule: 14-17:00
Fee: 54 €
Booking includes 30 days access to the recording.
Minimum number of participants 6 participants up to 5 days before the seminar, otherwise the date will be postponed
Jan 31
-2 Feb
Level-2 Practice and Teaching - Training series with Michael Forbes and Margarete Eckl (onsite and online)
Part 1
Jan 31 - Feb 2, 2025
intensive technology
March 28-30
Part 2
May 9-11
Part 3
July 18-20
Part 4
October 17-19
Seminar 1:
Friday - Sunday, January 31 - February 2, 2025 in Munich
Partial occupancy is possible.
Workshop language:
German (or if necessary to a limited extent: English)
Content of all workshops:
Quality, stamina and understanding in the practice of standing postures and inversion postures; communication and effective teaching.
Special focus in the individual workshops:
- I: Uttitha standing postures and forward stretches (Jan-Feb 2025)
- II: Sitting, twisting, prone and inverted postures (May 2025)
- III: Backward stretches, parivrtta standing postures and special sequences (July 2025)
- IV: Regenerative work and pranayama; teaching technique (October 2025)
More info ...
In presence ("onsite"), online and via recording
The weekends will take place in hybrid mode: in presence and online at the same time. There will be a recording of the seminar parts. Participants can decide (if necessary spontaneously from part to part) whether they want to practice in the studio or at home or via recording. (The recording will be accessible for 30 days as part of the seminar booking).
Structure of the weekends / costs:
In the interests of flexibility for you, the parts of the seminar can be booked together as a whole or separately.
All parts together: 220 €
- Fridays - Level 2 Asana course, 5 - 7 p.m. (single: 25 €) | Question-and-answer and teaching samples, 19:15 - 20:30 (single: 25 €)
- Saturdays - 9 - 13:30 with break (single: 80 €) | 15:00 - 18:00 (single: 60 €)
- Sundays - 9 - 14:00 with break (single: 90 €)
Minimum participants:in-number / deadline
At least 10 participants must be registered 8 days before the start of the seminar, otherwise the date will be postponed. In this case, we will let you know one week in advance.
Planned dates 2025 in munich
- January 31 - February 2, 2025
- March 28-30, 2025, "Teaching the Level-2 Syllabus" (bilingual English/German)
- May 9-11, 2025
- July 18-20, 2025
- October 17-19, 2025
- A similar program could be proposed for 2026, we'll see ...
Prerequisite is:
Interest in continuous and intensive work within the framework of the RIMYI Syllabi as described in the RIMYI CERTIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT GUIDELINES, July 2020.
- - People who are already certified at Level 1 and would like to continue with the support of experienced teachers, and
- - other serious practitioners with several years of teaching experience
The guidelines for efficient and effective work in asana and pranayama practice require patient, intensive and intelligent effort as well as introspection and reflection. Level-1 work focuses on the movements of the body and learning the correct structure and alignment of the postures (ACTION). Level-2 concentrates on SENSITIVITY in practice. We learn to feel the body in the postures and use this internal feedback to refine and stabilize. With this refined awareness, we can begin to safely analyze and practice the more complex and challenging postures of the curriculum. This program concludes with Level-3. Based on the work in Level-1 (Action) and Level-2 (Sensitivity), we can approach PERCEPTIVITY (= grasping through imagination and senses**): We use the mind to distinguish and balance our felt energies in practice. Finding and internalizing the physical keys to a correct and effective practice, feeling the body more and more subtly in the process, and finally establishing a practice and lifestyle that nourishes our inner essence and our ability to love and nurture our environment and our fellow human beings - these are the goals.
Phew ... that's quite a chunk.
Even though we want to practice and think hard, humor and sociability are important qualities in our interactions and need to be practiced as well. I think we can have a good time together and hope you can join us 😊. Michael
** - see also
Feb 8, 2025
One-day seminar
in 74564 CRAILSHEIM with Michael
After a break of a few years, we're back with our one-day seminars!
In Crailsheim we practise for 5 hours (10-13 and 1430-1630). The content is a round of practice designed to interest and encourage both fairly experienced and less experienced practitioners. Aids are available.
Studio manager, organizer and host in Crailsheim is Anja NissinenWe have known each other for a long time. I'm looking forward to the journey and practicing with you. Michael
Feb 22, 2025
One-day seminar Yoga
for emotional stability
with Claudia Lamas in presence and online
"Yoga citta vṛtti nirodhaḥ" is Patanjali's central sutra 1.2. The sentence describes the core of yoga: it is about calming the restless mind, which is constantly moved by thoughts, emotions and sensory impressions. In a world full of challenges and constant change, emotional stability is more important than ever. Emotions often manifest themselves as tension in the body (e.g. fear in the chest, anger in the shoulders). Yoga helps to release this tension and thereby regulate emotions. Postures such as supported forward bends or opening the chest have a targeted effect on certain emotions.
In this workshop, you will learn a series of asanas and their variations that are particularly helpful in finding and maintaining inner peace and balance - regardless of external circumstances. As emotions and breathing are closely linked, this workshop also focuses on breathing. Fast, shallow breathing is often associated with stress and anxiety, while slow, conscious breathing techniques calm the mind and stabilize emotions.
The workshop is suitable for anyone with at least 1 year of Iyengar Yoga practice and takes place on site in the studio and online live via Zoom.
Sem-No. LCC 241882
Schedule: 14-17:00
Fee: 54 €
Booking includes 30 days access to the recording.
Minimum number of participants 6 participants up to 5 days before the seminar, otherwise the date will be postponed
New date:
now March 3-7
Winter weekly seminar with Margarete in presence - New format!
23 hours of instruction (previously 30 hours)
Different sequences are practiced in order to convey a deeper feeling for one's own daily practice (dynamic sequences with standing postures, forward and backward stretches; centering sequences with twisting and inversion postures; regenerative sequences [including menstrual practice] with supported postures and/or pranayama). Asana in the morning is usually more dynamic, in the afternoon rather calmer (with relaxation and pranayama).
New: The seminar has been made slightly smaller (1 hour less practice per day) but is still divided into parts that can be booked individually or together. Individual days can also still be booked.
March 3-7, 2025
Mornings: 9 - 12:00 (Monday to Friday, 5x )
Afternoon: 14:00 - 16:00 (Monday to Thursday, 4x)
Fee / Info
The seminar will not be streamed. We prefer payment of the fee by direct debit, which we would collect shortly before the start of the seminar.
Minimum number of participants / deadline
8 days before start (Friday noon of the previous week) must at least 10 be registered, otherwise the date will be postponed.
EMT 251921 Asana and pranayama practice complete 430 €
Partial occupancy (per day):
Mornings - 71 €
Afternoon - 48 €
1 day complete - 108 €
Note: the workshop "Training and further education for teacher trainees and those interested (minimum 3 years of Iyengar Yoga teaching)" takes place Monday to Thursday, 16:15 to 18:00. Announcement and booking in the next box below.
March 3-6
Workshop: Training and further education for teacher trainees and interested parties
with Margarete and Michael
New format!
7 hours
Assistance, question and answer, teaching samples, discussion, anatomy/philosophy, further practice
New: The workshop has been redesigned to complement the practical part of the weekly seminar. Enrolled trainees are registered via the training program. Interested parties with relevant experience can take part. Individual days can still be booked.
March 3-6, 2025
16:15 - 18:00 (Monday to Thursday, 4x)
Fee / Info
The seminar will not be streamed. We prefer payment of the fee by direct debit, which we would collect shortly before the start of the seminar.
MM 251921a Workshop: Education and training complete 130 €
Partial occupancy (per day): 42 €
Part 2:
March 8 in PRAGUE (plus optional classes)
Level-2 Practice and Teaching Series with Michael in PRAG
4 workshops (1 per calendar quarter) are planned.
Part 2: March 8, 2025 - 10:00-13:00 and 14:30-17:30
(Onsite - no streaming)
Content of all workshops: Qualitiy, stamina and understanding in standing poses and inversions practice; communication skills and effective teaching.
Special focus in the particular workshops:
- 1: Uttitha standing poses and forward extensions
- 2: Sitting, twisting and belly poses and inversions
- 3: Backward extensions, parivrtta standing poses and special sequences
- 4: Restorative practice and pranayama; teaching techniques
Structure of the weekends:
["Optional" and with a separate registration and fee are the first and last items (Friday 5-7:00 PM Practice and Sunday 9:00 AM practice and question-answer). "Required" are the parts in the middle of the list below (Friday 7:15-8:30 PM online and Saturday onsite)].
- Fridays - Invitation to online Level-2-Class 5 - 7:00 PM (separate fee, optional);
- Fridays - Online Question-Answer and or Pranayama practice 7:15 - 8:30 PM (Recordings available)
- Saturdays - Onsite in Prague, 10 - 13 and 14:30 - 17:30 PM
- Sundays - Invitation to online restorative practice with pranayama 9 - 10:30 AM and possible question-answer (timing open end; separate fee, optional)
Further details and booking info ...
Interest in working intensely in the framework of the RIMYI Syllabi as set out in the RIMYI CERTIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT GUIDELINES, July 2020.
- Those already certified at Level-1 and wishing to continue with support of a senior teacher as well as
- other serious practitioners with several years of experience in class
are welcome to take part.
Projected dates 2024-25
- December 13-15, 2024
- March 7-9, 2025
- June 27-29, 2025
- September 19-21, 2025
- December 12-14, 2025
- A possible additional workshop onsite in Munich (dual language English/German) may be offered: "Teaching the Level-2 Syllabus" 7-9 March, 2025. Details about this later ...
- A similar program may be proposed for 2026, we'll see ...
Workshop language:
English (native speaker)
Interest in working intensely in the framework of the RIMYI Syllabi as set out in the
- Those already certified at Level-1 and wishing to continue with support of a senior teacher
- as well as other serious practitioners with several years of experience in class are welcome to take part.
Teacher: Michael Forbes
- Speaking English (native speaker) and German (very fluent)
- Originally from the US, in Munich since 1981
- Iyengar Yoga Level-3 (previously "Senior Intermediate 2" Certificate from Guruji 2012)
- Practitioner since 1972 (Iyengar Yoga since 1982)
- 25+ study trips to Pune, 1986-2019
- Founding member of the German Association, still active and responsible
- Main Organizer of several German Conventions (Swati Chanchani 2006, Abhijata Iyengar 2012 - planning Uday Bhosale, 2026)
- Teacher trainer and Assessor since 1995
- Workshops in Czech Republic since 1992
Required parts: 140 € (Registration with Tereza, see below)
- Friday online 7:15 - 8:30 PM
- Saturday onsite, 10 - 5:30 PM
Optional parts: (Registration with Michael, online store at )
- Friday 5 - 7:00 PM, Level-2 class, online 25 €
- Sunday 9 - 10:30 plus Question-Answer from 10:30, online: 25 €
(10 Coupon Book for such classes available, reduced price for the Prag Group 220 €, valid one year. Please email or call +49 89 537170 for info and booking the Prag-10 Coupon book!)
Organization and registration:
Tereza Propperova,
The guidelines for efficient and effective work in the asana and pranayama practice call for patient, intensive and intelligent effort plus introspection and reflection. In the Level-1 work moving the body and learning the proper structure and alignment of the poses is most important (ACTION). In Level-2 SENSITIVITY in practicing comes into focus. We learn to feel the body in the poses and use this inner feedback to refine and stabilize. With such a refined awareness we can begin to study and practice the more complex and more demanding poses in the syllabus safely. This study program concludes with Level-3. Using the foundation from working in Level-1 (Action) and Level-2 (Sensitivity) we can approach PERCEPTIVITY: Using the mind to discriminate and balance our energies in the practice. Finding and internalizing the physical keys to proper and effective practice, feeling the body in this process more and more subtly and finally establishing a practice and lifestyle which nurture our inner essence and ability to love and nurture our environment and our fellow beings - these are the goals.
Whew ... that's a mouthful.
Even if we want to practice and think intensively, humor and approachability are important qualities in dealing with each other and also need to be practiced. I think we can have an enjoyable time together and hope you can join 😊. Michael
March 15
One-day seminar "Reverse postures" with Margarete
Inspired by a funny saying by Janosch:
"How do you heal yourself?
This is a headstand.
Above becomes below and
what is broken becomes fully good"
there is now another one-day seminar with Margarete...
In Iyengar yoga, inverted postures - not just the headstand - are considered the most important asanas. They are taught in every yoga class - with appropriate preparation - and the approaches are adapted to the needs of the students.
More info
The positive effects of regularly practicing these postures cannot be praised enough:
- refreshing
- rejuvenating
- vitalizing
- harmonizing
- soothing
- detoxifying
- Regenerating for the entire human organism
- mentally and emotionally stabilizing.
Both the immune and lymphatic systems are stimulated and supported by the reversal of gravity. Head and shoulder stand are considered "King and queen" or father and mother of asana practice.
In society, inversions are repeatedly portrayed as "dangerous", which may be true under certain circumstances. It requires the correct approach, the right preparation and learning the proper technique presented in Iyengar yoga.
The seminar is suitable for ALLwho bring curiosity and a desire to better understand a variety of inversion positions and their versions and want to learn the most important "dos and don'ts" of inversion practice.
If required / interested, the more advanced head and shoulder stands can also be used.Variations be entered into.
The seminar is therefore suitable for the less experienced, the experienced, teachers, trainees, old, young ... everyone is welcome, there is certainly something interesting for everyone!
Sem-Nr: EMT 251881
Fee: 66 €
Special date:
March 28-30
Level-2 - Instructional Technology Intensive with Michael Forbes and Margarete Eckl (onsite and online)
Part 1
Jan 31 - Feb 2, 2025
intensive technology
March 28-30
Part 2
May 9-11
Part 3
July 18-20
Part 4
October 17-19
Special seminar UT:
A supplementary workshop with an emphasis on teaching
Friday - Sunday, March 28-30, 2025 in Munich
Partial occupancy is possible.
Workshop language:
German / English
Contents :
We practise Level 2 postures naturally, but take plenty of time for participants to practice their teaching, to analyze the asana technique and sequences, and to provide support and alternatives if problems arise.
In presence ("onsite"), online and via recording
The weekends will take place in hybrid mode: in presence and online at the same time. There will be a recording of the seminar parts. Participants can decide (if necessary spontaneously from part to part) whether they want to practice in the studio or at home or via recording. (The recording will be accessible for 30 days as part of the seminar booking).
Schedule / Fee:
All parts together: 220 €
- Friday - Level 2 Asana course, 5 - 7 p.m. (single: 25 €)
- Saturday - 9 - 13:00 with break (single: 80 €) | 15:00 - 18:00 (single: 60 €)
- Sunday - 9 - 14:00 with break (single: 90 €)
Minimum participants:in-number / deadline
At least 8 participants must be registered 8 days before the start of the seminar, otherwise the date will be postponed. In this case, we will let you know one week in advance.
More info ...
Planned dates 2025 in munich
- January 31 - February 2, 2025
- March 28-30, 2025, "Teaching the Level-2 Syllabus" (bilingual English/German)
- May 9-11, 2025
- July 18-20, 2025
- October 17-19, 2025
- A similar program could be proposed for 2026, we'll see ...
Prerequisite is:
Interest in continuous and intensive work within the framework of the RIMYI Syllabi as described in the RIMYI CERTIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT GUIDELINES, July 2020.
- - People who are already certified at Level 1 and would like to continue with the support of experienced teachers, and
- - other serious practitioners with several years of teaching experience
The guidelines for efficient and effective work in asana and pranayama practice require patient, intensive and intelligent effort as well as introspection and reflection. Level-1 work focuses on the movements of the body and learning the correct structure and alignment of the postures (ACTION). Level-2 concentrates on SENSITIVITY in practice. We learn to feel the body in the postures and use this internal feedback to refine and stabilize. With this refined awareness, we can begin to safely analyze and practice the more complex and challenging postures of the curriculum. This program concludes with Level-3. Based on the work in Level-1 (Action) and Level-2 (Sensitivity), we can approach PERCEPTIVITY (= grasping through imagination and senses**): We use the mind to distinguish and balance our felt energies in practice. Finding and internalizing the physical keys to a correct and effective practice, feeling the body more and more subtly in the process, and finally establishing a practice and lifestyle that nourishes our inner essence and our ability to love and nurture our environment and our fellow human beings - these are the goals.
Phew ... that's quite a chunk.
Even though we want to practice and think hard, humor and sociability are important qualities in our interactions and need to be practiced as well. I think we can have a good time together and hope you can join us 😊. Michael
** - see also
April 4-6, 2025
Guest teacher seminar with Uday Bhosale
(London / Pune)
(Lessons in English)
We invite you to join our first guest teacher workshop after Corona!
Uday will be leading the national convention of the Iyengar Yoga Association IYD e.V. in Munich in June 2026. As a foretaste, you can experience his pleasant and inspiring way of teaching yoga this spring.
"Regardless of your experience or level, Uday will always find new technical details to help you improve your practice. His friendly nature shines through his passionate teaching and encourages you to do your best.„
(Click here:) More about Uday, own words and quotes:
My love for Iyengar Yoga began in the late 90's and I started training and studying with Guruji (B.K.S. Iyengar, the founder of Iyengar Yoga), his daughter Geetaji and his son Prashantji in 2002 in Pune, India. I have over 20 years of experience in teaching Iyengar Yoga, 15 of them at the world famous Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (RIMYI). In that time I have taught thousands of students around the world in the form of large face-to-face events, small group workshops, children's courses, one-to-one lessons and regular online courses. I teach learners of all ages (from 7 to 92) and abilities, from beginners to experienced teachers.
"Compassion, precision and a light sense of humor. It is rare to find a teacher where all of these qualities are distinct and work together to deliver an incredibly rigorous practice with a light touch that makes every student feel like they are there."
Regardless of your experience, age, abilities and goals, I design my yoga classes to maximize your benefit, making them interactive, engaging, light-hearted and fun while staying true to the art, science and philosophy of Iyengar Yoga. My students tell me that I teach structure, knowledge and discipline with a "light touch". The goal is to make Iyengar Yoga accessible to all. Whether you want to deepen and expand your practice, learn something new, get to know your body better or improve your health and well-being, I will do my best to help you.
"His instructions are precise and clear. His patience seems limitless, and he offers a variety of alternative ways of working for those of us who are less able or slower learners... The classes are peppered with his mischievous but heartfelt humor."
More info:
CONTENTS of the seminar
Asana and pranayama in sequences that suit the practitioners present
9-12, 14:30-16:30
The workshop will be held in English; minimal translation if necessary.
Sem. no.: UB 252881
Complete: 240 €, partial booking Friday evening (if possible): 56 €
(otherwise no partial bookings)
April 6-11, 2025
Retreat at Schloss Elmau with Michael
(Schloss-Elmau is one of the leading
Culture and wellness hotels in the world,
100 km south of munich)
Anne asks: Should I book the week in Elmau?
Michael replies:
Hello Anne,
Thank you for your request. I think you would probably like the program in Elmau. We practise in the morning from 8:00 and in the afternoon from 16:00 for 90 to 120 minutes. (Friday only in the mornings.) Some of the aids are available, some I bring with me.
If you have never been to Elmau before and can accept the cost level, I can recommend a visit without reservation. It is really pleasant and beautiful in the house and the nature is spectacular.
Best regards, Michael
For active curious people and practitioners with yoga experience who want to get to know Iyengar yoga or deepen their practice.
Practice times
Arrival, evening
eat from 18:00)
Monday with Thursday:
8 - 10:00
and 16-18:00
and departure
April 21-25
Level 1 exam preparation with Michael Forbes and Margarete Eckl (onsite)
We deal with the asanas as well as theoretical questions as they appear in the exams. The main focus is on deficits that still exist, as they become apparent when practicing the asana lists and in teaching rehearsals.
Examinations for the Level 1 certificate generally take place at the end of October.
Qualified interested parties can also participate if they do not intend to take an exam this year.
Monday - Thursday: 9 - 13:00 and 15-18:00
Friday: 9-13:00
FeeComplete: 550 € | Morning - 97 € || Afternoon - 49 € || Full day - 121 € - MM 252931
(Exam preparation only takes place in presence, no streaming).
May 9-11
Level-2 practice and teaching with Margarete and Michael
See the announcement above at Jan. 31 - Feb. 2
Detailed information coming soon.
June 7-9
IYD Convention in Hamburg
with guest teacher Rajvi Mehta (Mumbai)
Part 3: June 27-29
Level-2 Practice and Teaching Series with Michael in PRAGUE
See March 8 above.
July 18-20
Level-2 practice and teaching with Margarete and Michael
See the announcement above at Jan. 31 - Feb. 2
Detailed information coming soon.
August 10 - 15
Summer weekly seminar with Michael
After last year's wonderful experience, we are now doing it again. Summer academy in the Ammergau Alps.
* 30 hours of instruction
(After this seminar you will continue practicing in Munich. Booked together = a 10-day Iyengar Yoga Intensive at a reduced fee, see below at 18-22.8. ...)
Different sequences are practiced in order to convey a deeper feeling for the actual daily practice (dynamic sequences with standing postures, forward and backward stretches; centering sequences with twisting and inversion postures; regenerative sequences [also menstrual practice] with supported postures and/or pranayama). Relaxation and breathing techniques in the morning, asana in the morning (more dynamic) and late afternoon (calmer). 2 times also a talk/lecture in the evening, questions and discussion welcome.
We bring the most important tools for everyone and some from the library in the truck.
Sunday arrival until 18:00
Monday to Thursday:
Practice: 8-9, 10 - 12:30 and 16-18:00
Meals: 9:00 breakfast, 13:00 lunch, 18:30 dinner
Friday: as above, until noon
Tuesday and Wednesday:
additionally 20 -21:00 Talk/lecture
For participants: inside with at least 1-2 years of yoga experience
Fee for lessons / info
Sem-No: FMC 253941
Participation fee (for practicing) complete: 550 €
Partial bookings :
- Morning - 98 €
- Afternoon - 56 €
- Full day - 140 €
(Day guests pay an additional
104 € per day for meals and hotel infrastructure).
(The seminar is not streamed.)
We prefer payment of the fee and full board costs by direct debit, which we would collect shortly before the start of the seminar.
Full board
5 days full board at the "Seinz Wisdom Resort" .
... spacious, eco-certified, own vegetable garden certified organic; swimming pond, mountains, panoramic views, hikes" and much more ...
Small Brochure of the house with pictures and info LINK >>>
("Superior surcharge" for the rooms: 100 €)
When booking until May 1 (thereafter €100 more):
Room for single use: 870 €
Bed in double room: 695 €
Pitch for campers: 545 €
August 18 - 22
Summer weekly seminar with Michael
Weekly seminar now back in the studio during the summer vacation
* This year in a new, more compact format, see below
* The seminar is also streamed online. Participants can decide (also spontaneously from day to day) whether they want to practice in the studio or online!
(***** Previously practiced in the Ammergau Alps southwest of Munich (see above). Booked together = a 10-day Iyengar Yoga Intensive at a reduced fee, see below ... *****)
Different sequences are practiced in order to convey a deeper feeling for the actual daily practice (dynamic sequences with standing postures, forward and backward stretches; centering sequences with twisting and inversion postures; regenerative sequences [also menstrual practice] with supported postures and/or pranayama). Relaxation and breathing techniques in the morning, asana in the morning (more dynamic) and late afternoon (calmer). 2 times also a talk/lecture in the evening, questions and discussion welcome.
Schedule (this year in the new format)
Monday - Thursday: 9 - 12:00 and 14-16:00
Friday: 9-12:00
Note: the workshop
„Training and further education for teacher trainees and interested people (minimum 3 years of Iyengar Yoga teaching)" takes place daily
Monday to Thursday following, 16:15 to 18:00. Announcement and booking in the next box below.
Participation fee
SemNo: MM 253951
Full fee: 430 € | Morning - 71 € || Afternoon - 48 € || Full day - 108 € - FMC 253951
We prefer payment of the fee and full board costs by direct debit, which we would collect shortly before the start of the seminar.
*** With the simultaneous booking of the Summer academy in the Ammergau Alps and the SummerSeminar there is a Reduction of the fee here in the amount of 100 €. 🙂
August 18-21
Training and further education
Workshop: Training and further education for teacher trainees and interested parties
with Margarete and Michael
New format!
7 hours
Assistance, question and answer, teaching samples, discussion, anatomy/philosophy, further practice
New: The workshop has been redesigned to complement the practical part of the weekly seminar. Enrolled trainees are registered via the training program. Interested parties with relevant experience can take part. Individual days can still be booked.
16:15 - 18:00 (Monday to Thursday, 4x)
Fee / Info
The seminar will not be streamed. We prefer payment of the fee by direct debit, which we would collect shortly before the start of the seminar.
SemNo: MM 253951w - Workshop: Training and further education
complete 130 € | partial occupancy (per day): 42 €