Recording: Informal training, "Senior Citizens Syllabus" with Margarete and Michael, 2.3.24


Recording: "Senior Citizens Syllabus"

Informal teacher training
Practicing and teaching, more mature age groups

March 2, 2024, 11:20 - 13:00 have been

Management Margarete Eckl / Michael Forbes

The seminar took place in the studio and also online.
(Cost sharing for access to the recording: 15 €.)

SKU: 9-241scs Category:


Recording: "Senior Citizens Syllabus"

Informal teacher training
Practicing and teaching, more mature age groups

March 2, 2024, 11:20 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Management Margarete Eckl / Michael Forbes

Participation by recording: cost contribution 15 €. A link to the recording (valid for 30 days) will be sent after ordering.

RIMYI wanted us to go through the syllabus together so that everyone could get a better understanding of this practice. 

From the accompanying letter:
"In the general courses at RIMYI, there used to be a mixed group of seniors and young people. However, it was found that conducting classes suitable for all was a challenge as the needs of both groups were different. With this in mind, Geetaji developed a curriculum for seniors that addressed the specific needs of their stage of life. This curriculum has been successfully used at RIMYI since 2013 to support seniors on their yogic journey.
The curriculum and sequence are structured to safely and effectively build the asana and pranayama practice for people in their prime.
The basic guideline is to prepare the body well, which takes time, especially for older people. In the seated asanas, students learn twists, raising the arms, etc., before moving on to the standing asanas, which require balance. Inverted postures are taught gradually and systematically.
Other health problems such as high blood pressure, frozen shoulder, heart problems, cancer, etc. can also occur, so it is important to adapt and modify the exercises accordingly and not simply generalize."

Recommended aids for practicing at home:

1 wall space 1 non-slip mat 2 belts 2 blocks 2 blankets 1 pair of shoulder boards 1 large cushion 1 sturdy folding chair Wall ropes would be nice, but not essential