One-day seminar in presence and online, "Reverse postures" with Margarete, 23.11., 14-17:00


Day seminar "Reverse postures"

For those interested with at least 1 year of IYENGAR yoga practice !!!

66 € - EMT 244818

The seminar is held in presence in the studio and also online take place.

SKU: 9-244818 Category:


Inspired by a funny saying by Janosch:

"How do you heal yourself?
This is a headstand.
Above becomes below and
what is broken becomes fully good"

there is now another one-day seminar with Margarete...

In Iyengar yoga, inverted postures - not just the headstand - are considered the most important asanas. They are taught in every yoga class - with appropriate preparation - and the approaches are adapted to the needs of the students.

The positive effects of regularly practicing these postures cannot be praised enough:

  • refreshing
  • rejuvenating
  • vitalizing
  • harmonizing
  • soothing
  • detoxifying
  • Regenerating for the entire human organism
  • Mentally and emotionally stabilizing

Both the Immune- as well as the Lymphatic system are stimulated and supported by the inversion of gravity. Headstand and shoulderstand are considered the "king and queen" or father and mother of asana practice.

In society, inversions are repeatedly portrayed as "dangerous", which may be true under certain circumstances. It requires the correct approach, the right preparation and learning the proper technique presented in Iyengar yoga. 

The seminar is suitable for ALLwho bring curiosity and a desire to better understand a variety of inversion positions and their versions and want to learn the most important "dos and don'ts" of inversion practice.

If required / interested, the more advanced head and shoulder stands can also be used.Variations be entered into.

The seminar is therefore suitable for less experienced, experienced, teachers, trainees, old, young... everyone is welcome, there is certainly something interesting for everyone!

The seminar takes place both in presence and online and is open to all participants with at least one year of Iyengar yoga practice suitable.

66 € - EMT 242814

Recommended aids for practicing at home:

1 wall space 1 non-slip mat 2 belts 2 blocks 2 blankets 1 pair of shoulder boards 1 large cushion 1 sturdy folding chair Wall ropes would be nice, but not essential

The seminar will also online take place. The link will be sent by e-mail after registration. As a participant, you decide whether you want to come to the studio or practice via Zoom! A recording of the seminar will be available for 30 days afterwards.
The link to the online lesson will be sent by e-mail shortly before the seminar.